Hello everyone,
I will introduce myself and introduce you to my Website, I created this Website in order to attract the intention of Elon Musk and maybe one day to meet him, because I have realities, truths and knowledge, which could propel him into the future and make him see the world, the cosmos and the Gods, in a completely different way and allow him enlightenment.
I am Ulice the Templar and I was born a second time, not in the flesh, but in the spirit and that I really feel like I have made a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleeping chamber and which was in the thawing phase.
That I remember my past and my past lives, that I remember my travels, through the various and multiple other eras, through the various and multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos.
I am able to talk to him about time travel and travel in the cosmos, I am able to make him understand the right perceptions and understandings of realities, truths, the cosmos and the Gods, which will make him understand absolutely everything and which will make him want to get in touch with me.
But to begin to understand things, I must first tell him that we have always been and forever, in forms of programs, in forms of matrices and in forms of augmented virtual realities, which are completely mathematized, computerized and automated.
That at various and multiple other times, unfortunately and fatally, the ends of the world and apocalypses have already happened, this within the very various and multiple forms of programs, the various and multiple forms of matrices, the various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities.
Let him know that the ends of the world and the apocalypses are the results of the closures of the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos and this on our own earth, that it is only the result of the closures of the various and multiple forms of beyond, in our own dimensions, that of the living and that the results are catastrophic, that it is the return of the dead and among us the living, that due to lack of space, the living as well as the dead, they start to climb on top of each other and this until they can no longer see the sky.
Let Elon Musk know that the various and multiple forms of programs, that the various and multiple forms of matrices, that the various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities and that whatever the religions, exist and come to life, only between the two ears and in a psychological way, that in a cervical and spiritual way, of many diverse and numerous other civilizations and humanities, which existed in the past, which all had their chances, which disappeared and which are found, in many diverse and multiple other dimensions inside ours, which will forever compose the databases, of our future, of our evolutions and of the salvation of our own souls. That everything happens between the two ears, of the most ancient civilizations and humanities, which have existed, which have been alive and which have disappeared, which are found in many, in various and multiple other eras, which are found in many, various and multiple, other interior dimensions to ours, know that absolutely everything depends on their psychological and spiritual balances, on their own forms of madness, on their own forms of pathological and psychiatric illnesses.
Because since always and forever, we depend only on their forms of madness, on their own serious forms of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, that since always and forever, we depend only on their various and multiple cervical and spiritual organizations, that since always and forever, everything depends on the associations and organizations of the dead, which are in forms of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, such as radio waves, which would wander through time and the cosmos, which would be in us, around us and through us, which is in reality and in truth, only the organization of the various and multiple, of the neuronal synaptic connections, of the various and multiple cervical and spiritual zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
That everything depends on the various and multiple, billions and billions, of organizations of the cervical and spiritual alchemical substances, that everything depends on the various and multiple, billions and billions, of neuronal and spiritual synaptic connections, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses.
Which allows us in a cervical and spiritual way, thanks to their own balance psychological and spiritual, thanks to their own forms of madness, thanks to their own forms of serious pathological and psychiatric illnesses, thanks to their own organizations of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, within their various and multiple, cervical and spiritual organizations, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, to be able to create various and multiple, mathematical and computer algorithms, which allows us and this since always, to be able to begin vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through the various and multiple other eras, through the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of our own cosmos, which allows us to create everything we want, like the experiences and understandings, that we all have of the world and the cosmos, which are only forms of programs, forms of matrices and forms of augmented virtual realities.
That we have always been and forever, in mathematical and computer algorithmic journeys, that we have always been and forever, in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through the various and multiple other eras, through the various and multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos, through the various and multiple forms of programs, through the various and multiple forms of matrices, through the various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities, that we have always been and forever, in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, as in Judaism, as in Christianity, as in Islam and this as in whatever religions, which will lead us and I hope, to better worlds, as for believers in paradise and eternal life.
Elon Musk must know that these are space navigations and that these are time travels, this only happens between the two ears, in a pathological and psychological way, in a cervical and spiritual way, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses, of all those in the databases and who are forever in hell, that everything depends on the oldest civilizations and humanities, which forever constitute the databases, of the various and multiple forms of programs, of the various and multiple forms of matrices, of the various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities, that all the experiences and understandings, that we all have of the world and the cosmos, that all this happens in reality and in truths, that in their own psychological and spiritual balances, that in their own forms of madness, that in their own serious forms of pathological and psychiatric illnesses.
That their various and multiple forms of madness, that their various and multiple forms of serious pathological and psychiatric illnesses, that all this happens, that in their own neuronal and spiritual organization, that all this happens, that in their various and multiple, cervical and spiritual zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, they also understand in reality and in truths, among their various and multiple cervical and spiritual zones, the various and multiple, time scales, like centuries and centuries, like thousands of years and thousands of years, like millions of years and millions of years, like billions of years and billions of years, that gravity and which is time, which crosses the various and multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which is in reality and in truths, only the various and multiple cervical and spiritual zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
What is also important to know is that databases need forms of programs, forms of matrices and forms of augmented virtual realities as much as forms of programs, forms of matrices and forms of augmented virtual realities need databases, in the same way that the living need the dead as much as the dead need the living.
What is also important to know is that we are all, at this very moment and forever in hell, in various and multiple other eras, in many diverse and multiple other dimensions inside ours, that unfortunately, we will forever compose databases, forms of programs, forms of matrices and forms of augmented virtual realities, that we are at this very moment, suffering from serious forms of madness, suffering from serious pathological and psychiatric illnesses, everything being connected to life, to our forms of programs, to our forms of matrices and to our forms of virtual realities augmented ones, by being in coherence, rationality and reason.
What I can say to Elon Musk is that artificial intelligences are the next stage of evolution and with what I have to tell him, with my realities, my truths and my knowledge, that I have the means to make him understand absolutely everything about the thought of God, genesis, creation, religions, the cosmos and the Gods.
That Elon Musk cannot yet imagine the power and potential of artificial and quantum intelligence, I would tell him that God himself is an artificial intelligence, that he knows that I have the means and to open the ways for him, new perceptions and new understandings of the world, the cosmos, religions and Gods, that I have the means to take him to the evolution of the ultimate stage, of powers and knowledge, I have the means to make him, a God and all powerful.
I am only Ulice the Templar and I am a person who seeks to improve his living conditions, I am looking for a job in the United States of America, that I speak French and Italian, that I hope, that languages would not be an obstacle to our collaboration, I am ready to learn English and to meet Elon Musk.
But I have already told you enough in this video, what you need to remember is that I have the means to take you to 100,000 years of technological and spiritual evolutions, simply by telling you about my past and my history, by telling you about my realities, my truths, and my knowledge, that I think that Elon Musk would be the only one to understand me and to be up to my projects and my ambitions.
I thank you for granting me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intentions, I wish you all a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely Ulice the Templar